Friday, 4 March 2016

Positioning and fitting the front outrigger

Time to fit that front outrigger! I clamped this together time and time again, right through the process of positioning and welding in the sills. So I was pretty sure all of the positioning was good.

I used a jack to hold the position and made sure that the top hat section would fit in between the outrigger and the cargo bay floor.

There was a small amount of adjustment to the flaps on the outrigger to get it to sit as neatly as possible against the chassis rail.

You can see the outrigger, top hat section etc in place below.

Here is the front outrigger in place from behind, you can see how it sits under the inner sill.

I also test fitted the rear outriggers to make sure I wasn't committing myself to something that would later prove problematic.

Just for a laugh I thought I'd position the patches for the front wheel tub. Not ready to fit them yet, but it was a heart warming sight.

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